Purchase Terms and Conditions

§1 General provisions

  1. The online store [hereinafter “Store”] sells via the Internet, on the basis of these Regulations [hereinafter “Regulations”].
  2. The owner of the store is: Izabela Brzyska-Mazur Instytut Kształcenia Menadżerów Jakości with the seat of os. Strusia 1A in Krakowie, NIP: PL 866 157 79 30, tel +48 12 414 01 25, email address: biuro@ikmj.com.
  3. The Regulations are an integral part of the sales contract concluded with the Customer.
  4. The condition for concluding a sales contract is the acceptance of the Regulations by the Customer.
  5. Electronic products and services available in the Store are free from physical and legal defects.

§2 Orders

  1. The store does not sell to natural persons residing in the European Union outside the territory of the Republic of Poland.
  2. Orders can be placed as follows:
    1. via the form available on the Store’s website,
    2. by e-mail to the address available on the Store’s website,
    3. by phone to the numbers intended for placing orders, available on the website https://ikmj.com/kontakt.
  3. The condition for fulfilling the contract is providing by Customer data which allows for the verification of the Customer and the recipient of the product or service.
  4. The Store confirms the acceptance of the order by e-mail or by phone by sending an e-mail confirming the order, or on request, a proforma invoice, which is only a commercial offer. A proforma invoice is not a VAT invoice within the meaning of the Act of March 11, 2004 on tax on goods and services (Journal of Laws of 2004, No. 54, item 535, as amended)
  5. The store has the right to refuse to accept the order, limit the method of payment, when the order raises legitimate doubts as to the truthfulness and reliability of the data provided or the method of payment.
  6. For the parties bounding information about the product or service which is being purchased, are contained on the Store’s website, at the moment of placing the order, in particular: price, product or service characteristics, date and method of delivery.
  7. The prices given in the Store are gross prices (including VAT).
  8. In the case of orders for digital products, when placing the order, the Customer declares that he agrees to the delivery of digital products to the e-mail address provided during the order.
  9. The information on the Store’s website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code. By placing an order, the customer submits an offer to purchase a specific product or service. The contract of sale is concluded when the Order is confirmed by the Customer by clicking the “Buy and pay” button.
  10. When placing an order, the ordering party makes statements as in §10 Privacy protection. Lack of acceptance of the above consents and declarations makes it impossible to purchase and implement the training.

§3 Payment

  1. The Customer can choose from the following payment methods:
    1. by transfer – then, after the payment being credited to the bank account, the Store sends an e-mail informing about the available digital products to the e-mail address provided by the Customer or, in the case of ordered services, IKMJ contacts the ordering party – delivery time up to 3 working days,
    2. by electronic payment – by quick transfer or by payment card:
      – then, after positively verifying the payment, digital products are made available automatically or on the next working day after the payment is credited,
      – in the case of purchase of services – the Store will set a date for the provision of the service no later than on the next working day.
    3. otherwise, if it is specified on the Store’s website.
  2. After the payment for the order is recorded, a VAT invoice will be issued. The invoice will be sent only by e-mail from the address: ksiegowosc@ikmj.com in PDF format to the e-mail address of the ordering party.
  3. A VAT invoice will be issued for the data declared during the order. In the case of invoices issued to natural persons, it is not possible to change the buyer’s data.
  4. The store does not charge additional fees for sending products via the Internet or provided services, unless the product description provides otherwise.
  5. The prices given in the store are gross prices including 23% VAT.
  6. The condition for making the product available or providing the service is payment for the order.

§4 Delivery of electronic products and services

  1. The ordered electronic products in the form of files are sent by the Store only by electronic means to the e-mail address provided when placing the order. The Store does not ship products on data carriers or in paper form, with the exception of printouts of certificates, certificates, diplomas or other documents, if their sending is defined in the description of the purchased product. In this case, the shipping terms are defined in the product description.
  2. The ordered services are provided online or on site at the customer’s:
    1. in the case of training within the time specified in the subject or description of the training – IKMJ reserves the right to postpone the date in agreement with the Customer,
    2. files are made available up to 3 working days after the payment for the order is credited (see §3 Payments)
    3. the time of providing the service will be agreed with the Customer within 3 working days from the moment the payment for the order is credited, see (§3 Payments).

§5 Technical conditions

  1. Technical requirements for the Customer::
    Unless defined in the product description:

    1. stable access to the Internet
    2. a desktop computer or laptop with a browser, webcam, speaker (or headphones) and a microphone
    3. Microsoft Office 2010 or newer, including: MS Excel, MS Word, MS Power Point,
    4. programs that open .pdf, .zip and multimedia file formats.
  2. The Customer declares that he meets the technical conditions.
  3. The Store is not responsible for errors in electronic products if the Customer uses software other than those specified in points 1a), 1b) and 1 c)
  4. Some electronic products may contain locked key elements to prevent breach of the substantive and technical correctness of the product and the IKMJ License.

§6 The right to withdraw

  1. Based on Article. 27 of the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014. with later d. The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract.
  2. The right to withdraw from the contract is effective if the Customer submits to the Store, within 14 days of order confirmation, a declaration of withdrawal from the contract.
  3. The right to withdraw is not entitled to the customer in the cases specified in art. 38 sec. 13 of the act specified in sec. 1 above, i.e.
    1. in the scope of the provision of services commenced, with the consent of the Customer, before the deadline to withdraw from the contract (applies to the provision of services)
    2. for the purchase of electronic products, if the download of the shared files or the start of the exam took place before the deadline to withdraw from the contract.
    3. In the case of training, if the Customer does not inform IKMJ in writing about the absence of the training participant at least 5 working days before the training date. Then, the full price of the order will be charged.
  4. In the event of a breach by the Customer of the conditions set out in paragraphs 2 and 3 above, the declaration of withdrawal is ineffective, the product is not returnable, and the Store does not refund the amount paid to the Customer.
  5. After the Customer has successfully withdrawn from the contract, the store returns the amount paid, less the costs of the contract (if any, e.g. commission from the electronic payment operator). The customer should indicate the bank account number to which the refund should be transferred.

§7 Complaints

  1. The basis for accepting the complaint is the Customer’s proof of purchase (VAT invoice).
  2. In the event of non-compliance of the ordered product or service with the contract, the Customer should submit a complaint in writing together with a description of the non-compliance.
  3. The store will respond to the customer’s complaint within 14 working days from the moment the complaint is submitted, along with a description of the non-compliance. If the verification of non-compliance requires an expert opinion, the deadline for responding to the Store is extended by the time the Store receives such an opinion.
  4. When the implementation of a justified complaint involves the provision of a new electronic product to the Customer or the re-provision of the service or removal of non-compliance, the costs are covered by the Store.
  5. The basis for the complaint may not be:
    1. Individual settings of the Customer’s computer and monitor causing incorrect or distorted display of information about products and services (e.g. colors),
    2. Problems with the electronic product or the provision of a service that occurred as a result of the use of software other than those specified in §5 Technical conditions.

§8 Return Policy

  1. Based on the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014, as amended, The Customer can return a digital product.
  2. A digital product may only be returned in the event of::
    1. informing the Store in writing about the return of the digital product and the method of payment return, and
    2. only before downloading the files made available in the Store.
  3. In the event of returning a product / service, the Store returns the value of the order to the Customer within 30 days of informing the Store in writing about the return in a manner agreed with the Customer.

§9 Store administration

  1. It is forbidden to post offensive or illegal content in the Store.
  2. The customer may not introduce content inconsistent with current legislation or generally considered offensive.
  3. Entries that are offensive or contrary to the law and generally prevailing social norms will be removed by the Store’s administrator.

§10 Privacy protection

  1. By placing an order, the Customer agrees to the processing of his personal data only for the purpose of processing the order in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
  2. By registering in the Store, the Customer agrees to receive advertising and promotional materials from the Store. The Customer has the right to resign from receiving advertising and promotional materials by unsubscribing from the mailing list and clicking on the link of the newsletter received.
  3. The customer has the right to inspect their data and correct them, as well as to demand their removal.
  4. The store does not make data available to third parties and the data collected during the order is only used for financial and tax activities.
  5. The customer declares that he has read and accepts: the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy.

§11 Intellectual property

  1. It is forbidden to use any materials published on the Store’s website (including photos and descriptions of products and services) without the Store’s written consent in accordance with the IKMJ License.

§12 Entry into force and changes to the Regulations

  1. The Regulations come into force on the day of publication on the Store’s website.
  2. The Store reserves the right to amend the Regulations, which enter into force on the day of their publication on the Store’s website. Agreements concluded before the amendment to the Regulations shall be governed by the version of the Regulations in force on the date of placing the Order by the Customer.
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